The brand new Bugaboo Cameleon and Bee Plus All Black Special Editions are now in stock. Both feature black chassis, seat units & fabrics included in the box. Super Stylish, get one while you can!
30th Anniversary Year - Providing the Best Baby Brands at the lowest prices since 1981.
When folded it remains upright for easy storage and can be pulled easily, thanks to its unique retractable handle. Comfort comes as standard with a two-position reclining seat and a shopping basket. The Maxi-Cosi Noa is so easy to handle, it’s child’s play!
Available now in 5 colours for £150.00
Click here to see a video of the Maxi Cosi Noa in action
Folded, it can be wheeled beside you on it’s back wheels or you can drag it behind you on the suitcase style wheels, or depending how far you have to go, you can carry it as it’s only 10kg.
It also has a warning light! Prices start from £575.00